About Us
28 Offices in France
Thanks to 28 offices in France, Igienair can offer a high responsiveness to all of its clients.

18 international agencies
The issues of indoor air quality control transcend national boundaries. IGIENAIR has set up subsidiaries around Europe and Middle East and develops a global strategy to conquer new markets in Africa and South America.
20,000 customers trust us
Igienair strives to partner its clients through environment issues related to indoor air quality.

600 employees
Engineers, project managers, biologists, specialised maintenance technicians that all strive to provide a better indoor air quality in your premises.
84 millions euros of turnover in 2023
IGIENAIR achieves an organic growth of over 10 % with all air duct cleaning activities and more than 14 % growth with the activities of audit control and consultancy in controlled atmosphere areas.

A responsible company
All IGIENAIR employees share strong values around which five strategic axes have been built:
1) To strive for excellence in the safety of people and goods
2) Encourage self-transcendence
3) Promoting the development of human potential
4) Involve suppliers and partners
5) Manage the environmental footprint
Exclusive training center
In 2010, Igienair created its own dedicated training center.
The INFQA can welcome up to 25 employees in a building of 600 m2 which proposes 5 different workshops : kitchen exhaust ventilation, a whole ductwork system, evaporators, a clean room and a working class.
It representes 4500 hours of training and 265 employees trained to our activities and to security issues.

Social policy
IGIENAIR is dedicated to protecting the health, safety and personal development of our employees.
- A comprehensive induction process for new recruits
- A training plan, administered by our in-house INFQA body
- Career management, including annual interviews and career interviews for all employees
- Mobility management
- A gender equality plan: IGIENAIR Group was awarded 71/100 according to the criteria defined by the law, concerning career opportunity and the gender pay gap (decree n°2019-15 from the 8 January 2019 France)
- Road safety awareness and regular investment in new, safer and better-equipped vehicles
An ongoing research strategy into new processes, tools and PPE to improve the health and safety of our employees, supported by the management team and overseen by safety commissions.
A commitment to society and the environment
IGIENAIR works to help protect the environment, by :
- Monitoring our clients’ environmental policies
- Promoting environmentally-conscious behaviour, with the use of products and processes which help preserve our environment (eco-driving, energy consumption, etc.)
- Collecting, sorting and reprocessing waste, and carefully selecting partners who share our values.
- Reducing our carbon footprint with the purchase of hybrid vehicles and the construction of buildings which meet all environmental standards